Bannanje Govindacharya was an Indian philosopher and Sanskrit scholar versed in Veda Bhashya, Upanishad Bhashya, Mahabharata, Puranas and Ramayana. He wrote Bhashyas (commentaries) on Veda Suktas, Upanishads, ShataRudriya, Brahma Sutra Bhashya, Gita Bhashya and was an orator. He was awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India in 2009.

Govindacharya was born on August 3, 1936, in the Bannanje neighborhood of Udupi to Tulu speaking Shivalli Madhva Brahmana parents, in present-day southern Indian state of Karnataka. He started his Vedic studies under his father, Tarkakesari S. Narayanacharya, and went on to study under Vidyamanya Tirtha Swamiji of the Palimaru Matha and Vidyasamudra Tirtha Swamiji of the Kaneyur Matha, both in Udupi. He later studied under Vishwesha Tirtha of the Pejawara Matha.

He was also an orator. He wrote new Vyakarana Sutras where Panini left and also did vyakhyana for the words written before Pāṇini. He sought to integrate ideas from philosophical texts to understand the texts composed by Vedavyasa. He was an exponent of Bhaagavata chintana and commented on the philosophical meaning of Bhagavata and other Puranas. Though by birth he was the follower of Madhvacharya, he had studied Mayavada and other philosophies before reading Madhvacharya’s Tattvavaada. He spoke both Sanskrit and Kannada. He has around 4000 pages of Sanskrit Vyakhyana to his name with around 150 books, including those in other languages. He wrote a screenplay for the Sanskrit film “Bhagavadgita” and Shankaracharya. He had experience in the Madhvas Tattvavada or Madhva philosophy. He is best known for his pravachanas (discourses), which are very popular among Tuluvas and Kannadigas all over the world. His pravachanas (discourses) have made him a household name among Tuluvas and Kannadigas. He also wrote on this Naaku-Tanti. His literary achievements also include his translation and commentaries of the complete texts of Shri Madhwacharya. He was awarded the Padma Shri by the Government of India in 2009.

In 2005–2006, Professor P.R. Mukund (a disciple of Sri Bannanje) along with his colleague Dr. Roger Easton from the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York and Dr. Keith Knox of the Boeing Corporation in Hawaii, undertook the imaging and preserving of the original Sarvamoola Granthas authored by Madhvacharya. Knox and Easton had earlier imaged fragments of the Dead Sea scrolls and are on the imaging team for the Archimedes Palimpsest project. Bannanje regarded this task as a project of enormous importance and was using the images in his studies of the manuscript.

Govindcharya also served as the editor at Udayavani early in his life. He wrote a book on the life of Shree Madhwa acharya called Acharya Madhva: Baduku-Bareha. It was published by RastraKavi Govinda Pai Samshodhana Kendra, Udupi. Bannanje Acharyaru also propagated and preserved the Chaturdasha Bhajans, 14 songs in Sanskrit penned by Acharya Madhwa’s direct disciples and prominent followers of his philosophy.

He also made contributions to the Indian and Kannada film industries. He wrote script in Sanskrit for G V Iyer’s movies Bhagavadgeeta, Adi Shankaracharya, Shri Madhwacharya, and Sri Ramanujacharya. He also wrote the scripts for the Adi Shankaracharya and Madhwacharya movies. Adi Shankaracharya incidentally was the first movie made in Sanskrit.

Shri Bannanje Govindacharya made many contributions to Vedic scholarship. He authored numerous commentaries, translations and original works on the subject. He also contributed hundreds of articles in magazines and journals.