Kishore, hailing from Kulai, a town near Mangaluru, is a remarkable dancer who catapulted to fame through his role in the dance-centric Hindi movie “Anybody Can Dance (ABCD).”

Before achieving this acclaim, Kishore had a journey filled with determination and hard work. He made his initial mark on the dance scene by participating in “Dance India Dance Season 2” and “Dance Ke Super Star.” Even in the Kannada entertainment industry, he showcased his talent through a reality show dedicated to dance. Kishore was not only a rising star on the dance floor but also a renowned choreographer in the bustling city of Mumbai.

Kishore’s humble beginnings were marked by financial hardships as he hailed from a poverty-stricken family. At the tender age of six, his father abandoned his mother, Rathnavathi, and his three brothers, leaving them to face the world’s challenges. Rathnavathi worked as a hospital cleaner to support her children, and it was a constant struggle. Kishore’s own education was cut short, and he had to discontinue his studies after reaching the tenth grade.

Yet, Kishore’s passion for dancing burned bright since his childhood. He harbored dreams of becoming a great dancer, even though his neighbors and associates often scoffed at his aspirations, deeming them foolish. Undeterred by these remarks, Kishore persevered, resolutely pursuing his dream despite the difficulties that loomed within his home.

His journey toward greatness began with free dance training from Shub Kiran, which laid the foundation for his skills. Kishore also delved into fire dancing and martial arts, learning from the experienced Ravindra. Later on, he joined the Ocean Kids dance troupe in his city, and at the age of sixteen, he became a member of the renowned XLNC team, a Bangalore-based dance group. This affiliation provided him with invaluable exposure.

Kishore’s path to fame took a significant turn when, at the insistence of a friend, he decided to audition for “Dance India Dance.” He successfully secured a spot on the show, a pivotal moment that catapulted him into the limelight. His exceptional performances on the show garnered widespread recognition and support, earning him applause from both judges and the enthralled audience.